Monday, September 2, 2013

What does the word 'politics' mean to you?

According to Merriam-Webster, it means the following:
    • the art or science of government
    • the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy 
    • the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government
Some of my friends have said the word means various things such as: scams, fakes, baloney, a bunch of hoopla, and plain old junk.

So what does the word 'politics' mean to me?

I don't really keep up with what is going on with our country. Although I probably should, I don't. Sure I vote and I try to vote for who I think would be best. Some of you might think... how could I possible vote for someone without really knowing what they stand for or what the believe in? The answer is easy. I choose who I think "looks" the best.

Yes "looks", as in who looks more superior in the media. I choose by picking the one who "looks" the part. The one whom I think can run our country based on presentation.

In my opinion what politics is to me is a well rehearsed performance. I feel like the person that puts on the best performance gets the most votes, thus is the winner.

Donkey vs. Elephant Boxing match
In this blog I will discuss the way political based films interfere with modern day politics. I feel politics longer ago were held at a higher standard then todays politics. I want to know if the use of mass media is a cause resulting in this outcome.


  1. I appreciate your candor Emily, but I'm not sure the second part of your entry qualifies as a working definition of politics. Please keep in mind that this blog is public so it is essential to check your spelling. Also, you were supposed to include an image in your post and discus how it illustrates your definition of politics. This would make a big difference, especially since you are discussing appearances.

  2. Great images, but again you leave them to 'speak for themselves.' I understand the hesitancy to describe and analyze, but articulating your thoughts would allow you to guide your reader's viewing experience and make them 'see' what you are trying to point out.. You'll get better with practice, I promise! Wait for the class tomorrow. We will be discussing how to read images, then perhaps you will take another stab at this. Let me know if you do.

  3. I definitely agree with you on the performance of elections being important to the outcome, it really is all about presenting a certain type of image. Unfortunately, you did not provide a visual analysis of the images you posted, which was a part of the assignment. Make sure you do this for future blogs!
    3 out of 5
